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The MELT Method®


What is MELT?


The MELT Method is a simple, self-treatment system that restores the supportiveness of the body's connective tissue to combat chronic pain, improve performance, and decrease the accumulated stress caused by repetitive postures and movements of everyday living.

The goal is to promote a balanced nervous system and healthy connective tissue. These two components work together to provide whole body support, protection, and mind-body communication. Developed by exercise physiologist and connective tissue specialist Sue Hitzmann, MELT is for anyone who wants to slow down the aging process and live better, longer.

For those in their 40s, 50s, and older who want to stay active, mobile, and independent — MELT is a must.

MELT is also for active, younger adults and athletes who want to maintain a fit, toned body and achieve optimal performance without debilitating wear and tear.

MELT is truly for everyone! Even if you are pregnant, injured, post-surgery, overweight, sedentary, out of shape, have limited mobility, chronic pain, knee/hip replacements, or bone disorders — you can still MELT.

It’s the best starting point for any exercise program.


What does "MELT" stand for?


It is an acronym for "Myofascial Energetic Length Technique".

The magic of working with connective tissue is that because it is one seamless, interconnected system – wrapping around every muscle, bone, joint and organ – you can create a change throughout the body even when you're only working on one part of it.




MELT creates a strong, flexible body that maintains its’ upright posture for life. And you will see and feel results after just one session!

MELT improves:

  • flexibility & mobility

  • alignment & posture

  • the results of exercise

  • range of motion

  • sleep & digestion

  • overall well-being


MELT reduces:

  • aches & pains

  • wrinkles & cellulite

  • tension & stress

  • headaches

  • risk of injury


How does MELT work?


Day-to-day living creates tension within our bodies. Physical stressors range from sitting at a desk to running a marathon. Emotional, mental and environmental stressors such as processed foods, medications, environmental toxins and daily worries also build tension in the body.

New science reveals that this “stuck stress” is literally trapped in our connective tissue, which surrounds every joint, muscle, nerve, bone, and organ.

Unaddressed, trapped stress causes connective tissue dehydration and cellular damage. This creates a domino effect that begins with aches and stiffness and leads to common health issues such as neck and low back pain, headaches, insomnia, digestive problems, and injury.


Accelerated aging and chronic health problems can follow, leaving us with limited options such as medicine, surgery and a sedentary lifestyle. However, when the connective tissue is hydrated, our bodies function at a more optimal level.


MELT is a breakthrough technique that keeps our connective tissue and nervous system in top condition and slows down the aging process.  No other proactive approach directly treats the connective tissue —including nutrition, exercise, yoga, meditation, or vitamins.

MELT is easy to learn, backed by cutting-edge research and offers immediate results that you will see and feel the first time you MELT. Changes in posture, flexibility, energy, mood and performance occur within only a few sessions.Best of all, your body feels great long after you MELT!


Through a series of easy, precise techniques—using simple, specialized equipment like soft foam rollers and small balls—this  program quickly rehydrates connective tissue, making it more supportive and allowing the body to release long-held tension that frequently leads to chronic pain. 


How often should I MELT?


MELT a minimum of 15 minutes, three times a week to experience immediate and long-lasting benefits and if you want to MELT every day, that’s okay too.
MELT before strength training to improve muscle performance or after a cardio workout to erase joint compression and stiffness.
People who MELT regularly find that they want to exercise more often.

It’s just more fun to move when your body feels good, has more energy and is free of pain.


How can I learn to MELT?

You can purchase MELT books and DVDs or access online resources at

However, the best way is being taught by a certified Melt Educator as you will be taught the correct technique, modifications and can ask questions.


I received my MELT Instructor certification in 2012 and have been offering private and group classes at various locations. The results have been very impressive.


Please contact me if you're interested in organizing a group class at your home or at a facility close by.



Would you like to purchase MELT equipment?

Get in Touch


Keen to get started?


Phone: 778-389-9448

2480 McNeill Ave

Victoria, BC, Canada

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